
Your Faith Always Triumphs Over Troubling Times!


Your Faith Always Triumphs Over Troubling Times!

July 12, 2020 • Pastor Dallas Billington

Sometimes people have a preconceived notion when they ask Jesus to come into their heart and be their Lord and Savior, that everything will be "perfect" for the rest of their time on earth. However, that is not the case; we will encounter problems and possibly endure troubling times. The Bible states in John 16: 33, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Sometimes we experience issues in this world to be witnesses of how God will get us through those times to those who are not Saved. God will use all experiences in our life to honor and glorify Himself. Join us this week as Pastor Dallas Billington prepares to share with us a message titled, "Your Faith Always Triumphs Over Troubling Times!". Share this with friends and family and invite them to City Church AC. We look forward to seeing you Sunday at 11am.