
An Open Gate?


March 3, 2024 • Pastor Dallas Billington

The use of a gate is very important, as it can be used to keep things inside the gate or keep things from coming into what the gate is protecting. The use of gates and guarding those gates are very important in the Bible. Gates protected cities in the Old Testament and were closed at night to prevent the enemy from attacking. The gates were also seats of authority, where wisdom was given and where judges and administrators served and handed down justice. Gates are also where prophets served and shared God's Word and where people would enter to worship the Lord. For people, the way we process the information we receive through our five senses is how things enter the gates of our soul. The Bible states in Matthew 7: 13-14, "13 Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it". Join us this Sunday as Pastor Dallas Billington prepares to share with us a very important message title, "An Open Gate?". Share this with friends and family and invite them to City Church. We look forward to seeing you Sunday at 11am. Remember for those who are not able to attend church in person, Pastor Dallas will begin preaching around 11:25 and we will live stream his message on Facebook Live and YouTube Live. Like or Subscribe to those pages to be alerted when our live stream is up and running.