
Last Days Lights - Part IV: Stay in the Light of Jesus


May 15, 2020 • Pastor Dallas Billington

Slowly it seems our Communities are beginning to open up after the closure from the COVID-19 pandemic. The future is still unclear, as we are not sure if the curve will once again rise. However, the one thing we can be sure of is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is Alive and sitting on His throne in Heaven, waiting for the day when He will return to rapture all who are Saved. Therefore, we cannot allow our present circumstances to define who we are or how we will react. Place your trust in Him. This week Pastor Dallas Billington continues his series, "Last Days Lights". The fourth message is titled, "Stay in the Light of Jesus". Share this with friends and family and invite them to watch City Church AC on one of our many platforms (our Website, YouTube, Facebook, and our App).