
The Church Killer: Gossip

Proverbs 26

July 15, 2018 • Ben Ito

Jesus didn't gossip; He did not slander; nor did any other falsehood come from His mouth. Perhaps one of the most beautiful things about Christ is that we never have to doubt what He thinks of us! The mind and heart of God is revealed in His Word, and He never wants you to be confused or unclear about His thoughts or intentions for you. Isn't this comfort and freedom? May God's people be known as those who are like Christ, who refrain from sinful speech, lovingly speaking the truth at all times.

• Gossip Destroys Relationships
• Gossip is a Sin
• Gossip and Slander Defined
• Gossip in the Church
• Case Study: Genesis 3
• The Tongue is a Fire

The Sinfulness of Gossip and Careless Speech
• Gossip Hurts the Speaker (26:17)
• Gossip Hurts its Hearers (26:18-19)
• Gossip Is Delicious (26:22)
• Gossip Comes from the Heart (26:23–25)
• Gossips Return (26:26–28)

How to Respond to Gossip
• Refuse to Accept It (26:1–2)
• Rebuke It (26:3–5)
• Don't Relay Your Message Through a Gossip (26:6, 10)
• Don't Give Wisdom Without Rebuke (26:7–9)
• Rebuke for the Loving Benefit of the Gossip (26:11–12)

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