
Final Words From a Spiritual Father

2 Timothy Sermon Series

The Lord Stood By Me

November 8, 2020 • Jonathan Parnell

In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan expounds upon 2 Timothy 4:9–22 and reminds us of the "realness" of Jesus. We see that the Apostle Paul often relied on people, because we as humans need other people, but ultimately Paul knew that Jesus was enough for his. The Lord stood by him and strengthen him. We need people. And Jesus is enough. We make every effort to surround ourselves with people who will help us, but when nobody comes, when we're all alone, we must remember that Jesus is all we really need.

Tell Us What God Has to Say

November 1, 2020 • David Mathis

In this video, Pastor David Mathis expounds upon 2 Timothy 4:1–8. He points to the urgent reality that what people need most from preachers are the simple truths we see in the Scriptures. People don't need pithy statements, jokes, stories, or social commentary; what they really need to know is what God has to say. Christ's opinion is supreme because he is the judge. This is good news for Paul and Timothy, and us, but terrifying for those who wander away. Christ is coming back, with all authority and sovereign power, and when he does, he will right every wrong. Justice in this age, as much as we work for it, and pray for it, will not be perfect and complete in this life. But one day true justice will be done, finally and fully, once and for all, when the judge returns — and he will get the glory as the final judge. And Jesus will reward his people who have endured. Not just for Paul. He says, "and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing."

Let's Be People of the Book

October 25, 2020 • Kenneth Ortiz

In this sermon, Kenneth Ortiz expounds upon 2 Timothy 3:10–17 showing how the Apostle Paul exhorts Timothy to rely on the sacred writings as the means of grace and strength in the face of persecution and suffering. God gives us the Bible, so that we can know him, so that we can be equipped in this life, and so that we can have intimacy with him. The very existence of the Bible shouts to us the kindness of our God. We as Christians ought to be fiercely committed to being people of the book!

Jesus, The Servant of Lord

October 18, 2020 • Joe Rigney

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Rigney expounds upon 2 Timothy 3:1–9 showing how the "servant of the Lord" points to the ultimate servant–Christ Jesus himself! Christ was not quarrelsome, but he did fight. He was kind to all, even his opponents. He exposed the hearts of men, he taught well, he stood for righteousness, all while patient with all, even those who opposed him. He was the man of sorrows, acquainted with grief for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities.

Three Ways to Endure in Faith

October 11, 2020 • Jonathan Parnell

In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell expounds upon 2 Timothy 2:14–19 and reminds us of the simple, yet profound truth, that Jesus Christ is the son of God, took all of our sins and guilt and shame, and the punishment we deserved, and he raised from the dead for us. And because of him and his work, the church is going to make it through, no matter what we face. Christians will make it through and be sanctified to be like him. We will endure!

Jesus, The Offspring of David, Risen from the Dead

October 4, 2020 • Joshua Foster Sr

In this sermon, Pastor Joshua Foster examines 2 Timothy 2:8-13, pointing us to the most important questions any person could ever ask: 1) Who is Jesus?; 2) What has he done? Jesus is more than just a good teacher, he is the Son of God, who was incarnated and lived among us, descended from King David, the one who had been prophesied for centuries. He also died and rose from the dead, and because this is true is solidifies our communion to him. If we trust in Christ, he will remain committed to us and will never leave us, even in our moments of doubt or folly. However, if any person denies Christ, refusing to believe and trust, then that person remains condemned in their sins. Christ is always faithful to do what he promises—he is who he claimed to be, and he triumphantly accomplished what the Word claims he accomplished.

Pastor, Stick with Paul

September 27, 2020 • Jonathan Parnell

In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan Parnell examines 2 Timothy 2:1–7 and introduces us to the exhortations and wisdom from the apostle Paul to pastors. The church needs pastors who will stick with Paul's teaching, and think the same way he thought. We need pastors who know that one day they will look at Jesus, and Jesus will look at them — and that moment is going to make all the hardship worth it, and the only way we’re going to make it now is to remember the promise of that moment — we have to remember Jesus Christ, the real person, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in Paul’s gospel. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. Pastors, stick with Paul — because Paul points us to Jesus.

Fatherly Care for a Spiritual Son

September 20, 2020 • Joe Rigney

In this sermon, Pastor Joe Rigney examines the first chapter of 2 Timothy showing the Apostle Paul's care and concern for this spiritual son, Timothy. Paul encourages Timothy and gives him instructions and warnings on how to navigate the difficult situations Timothy is facing in pastoral ministry. Paul's final encouragement to Timothy is to rely on God's power to guard and keep Timothy. Paul states, with confidence, "I know him, and because I know him, I am convinced that he will guard what has been entrusted to me, which includes you, and so, because I know him, I can entrust you to him and call you to fan into flame the gift of God and to follow the example you have in me."

Final Words From a Spiritual Father

September 13, 2020 • David Mathis

In this sermon, Pastor David Mathis introduces our 2 Timothy series, "Final Words From a Spiritual Father." In this message we are exhorted to remember that this age will end; Jesus Christ is coming back, which is spectacularly good news to his people, and an untold horror to his enemies. He is coming as “the righteous judge” who will “judge the living and the dead.” He will bring full and appropriate and uncompromising justice on those who have rejected him and turned away from him. And he will bring rescue and reward, not just for Paul, but for “all who have loved his appearing.”