
The Glory of His Mercy and Fury

Exodus 14

November 17, 2019 • David Mathis

When we examine the Exodus, Yahweh rescuing his covenant people from slavery, we see a single event where the God of heaven revealed much about himself. In that single event God revealed more about himself, and more clearly and memorably, than he had revealed about himself at any other event up to that point in human history. In fact, the Exodus, and more specifically the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, demonstrated more about God than any event in human history, ever, except for Calvary.

At Calvary the cross of Christ became the new single greatest and most God-revealing event in the history of the world. In the person and life of the Son of God, God reveals himself in a profound way, and at the cross both the mercy and fury of Yahweh are demonstrated.

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