
The God Who Feasts with His People

Exodus 5

October 6, 2019 • Jonathan Parnell

In Exodus 5, Moses confronts Pharaoh. Moses tells Pharaoh that Yahweh wants him to release the Hebrews from slavery. Pharaoh, of course, refuses, citing the fact that he does not know Yahweh. This will begin the chain of events that leads to Yahweh doing two amazing things: 1) Freeing his own people from slavery, and 2) Making himself known to Pharaoh.

The reason why God wants his people to be free is simple: God desires to feasts with his people. This was true in Exodus, and it is still true today. Yahweh is the Holy One who celebrates with us. He invites us into his joy. What does he celebrate? His own victory and majesty.

God is Supreme over all, and that is worthy of feasting and celebration. God invites us to feasts with him as the means of celebrating his sovereignty and supremacy. For that reason Jesus came to Earth and died for us, to make a way for us to celebrate with Yahweh for all eternity.

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