
How God Reassures a Dejected Servant

Exodus 6

October 13, 2019 • David Mathis

After several decades of living in the desert, God calls Moses back to Egypt, at age 80, to be the deliverer of God's people. Moses tells Pharaoh to let God's people go. Of course, Pharaoh refuses. Moses seems to have accomplished nothing and his confidence is greatly shaken.

However, in Exodus 6, we see that Moses’ discouragement and his lack of confidence doesn’t keep God from using him. Moses is dejected, but he will still be the one who delivers the Hebrews from slavery.

God calls Moses to his most important, most intimidating work—speaking face to face with Pharaoh—when Moses manifestly doesn’t feel ready for it or worthy of it. But God reassures Moses, then commands Moses to continue the task. And God handles us similarly in our dejection and discouragement. There’s a time to answer questions and address objections. But eventually it is time to "do the next thing." Eventually it’s time to obey God’s instructions and trust that God will do what he has promised to do.

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