
The Bible's Inspiration, Relevance, and Message

1 Peter 1:10-12

April 25, 2021 • Jonathan Parnell

In this sermon Pastor Jonathan exposits 1 Peter 1:10-12 and helps us see how the Bible is inspired by God and how its message is relevant to our lives. We see that the Old Testament prophets described the living hope in the Messiah and their hope in the resurrected Redeemer, alluding to Jesus, and when they wrote their words they wrote them for us today.

The same Spirit who guided the prophets in their prophecies of Jesus accompanies the preaching of the gospel of Jesus today, which is the primary message of the Bible, which is why this Book makes our hearts burn. This Book, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is written for me, but it is not about me. This Book is all about Jesus, it reveals the Son of God, and it ushers us into intimacy with him.

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