
To Wives and Husbands, Women and Men

1 Peter 3:1-7

May 30, 2021 • Jonathan Parnell

In this sermon, Pastor Jonathan examines 1 Peter 3:1-7. This passage covers some essential ideas and doctrine related to marriage that seem controversial in our modern culture, specifically with the Bible's call to women to submit to their husbands, and the Bible's call for men to use their authority in a God-honoring manner. However, we must be willing to be informed and governed by the Scripture, rather than our culture and its norms.

The enemy wants to destroy our souls and our marriages and our churches and our witness. He wants to destroy us by distorting the truth. Our greatest defense against the enemy's tactics is not an interpretation of the Bible that is appetizing to the world, but it's the right understanding of the Bible's teaching and its right application.

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