
To the Church in Laodicea

Revelation 3:14-22

February 14, 2021 • Kevin Kleiman

In this sermon, Pastor Kevin examines the final letter from Jesus in the book of Revelation, the letter to the Laodiceans. This letter contains the harshest rebuke of any of the seven letters.

Jesus makes clear that the Christians in this region (that see themselves as rich and privileged) are, in actuality, poor and wretch. The symptom is lukewarmness, a variation of Christianity that, quite frankly, is repulsive to Jesus. The cause of this problem is a lack of true love for Jesus, fueled by a lack of communion with Jesus. The cure is personal communion time with Jesus.

In this message, Pastor Kevin exhorts us to consider what our time with Jesus has been like? Ask yourself, "Have I spent time seeking Him, seeking to know him deeper?" If no, know that Jesus gracious invites you to return to him, and in so doing, because Christ is our Great Physician, the dangers of the disease of lukewarmness fade away as our souls burn brightly in the presence of our King.