
Elect Exiles

1 Peter 1:1-2

April 11, 2021 • Kenneth Ortiz

In this sermon, Pastor Kenny kicks off our sermon series on 1 Peter. This letter is written to Christians facing suffering. This sermon looks at the introduction of this letter. In the brief introduction Peter refers to Christians as "elect exiles" because we, as Christians, are not living in our homeland, which is heaven. We are sojourners in this world, strangers in this land, just passing through.

In addition, Peter gives us three key prepositional phrases to describe these exiles: according to the foreknowledge of God, in the sanctification in the Spirit, and for the obedience to Christ and sprinkling with his blood. The Father foreknows, the Spirit sanctifies, and the Son cleanses through his blood. We can be confident in these realities. Therefore, whenever you are suffering in this life, remember that the members of the Trinity, Father, Son, and Spirit, they are all cooperating to sustain us.

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