
Long for the Pure Milk of the Word

1 Peter 2:1-10

May 16, 2021

In this sermon, Pastor Ryan Griffith preaches from 1 Peter 2:1-10 which is a transition passage in this epistle. This sermon is the sixth of fourteen sermons in our series on 1 Peter and this text serves as the key for Peter's Old Testament exposition and his encouragement to the persecuted Christians.

This passage is packed with Old Testament imagery, allusion, and quotation which helps us better understand what Peter is teaching the Christians. His focus is their identity in Christ, his goal is to reorient them on the bigger picture of the gospel and to exhort them to long for the word of God which instructs them in troubled times. Lastly, Pasto Ryan reminds us, via the apostle Peter's words, that in the midst of harassment and opposition, we have much to be encouraged by. We have a new hope, a new family, a new identity.

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