
Moments of Hope: Satisfaction > Success

June 6, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles

There is a satisfaction greater than success. Once you find that satisfaction, you'll trade "success" for it. In this week's Moments of Hope, Pastor Andy shares a fable about a wise woman who not only realized this but also helped another see it.

Moments of Hope: The Glow of Giving

June 13, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles

In this week's Moment of Hope, Pastor Andy helps connect the dots between some of Jesus's words and a recent study by Harvard University about what happens to us when we choose to live for the benefit of others.

Moments of Hope: Walking

May 30, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles

Walking. I've learned recently that we take a lot for granted when we walk, but as we examine how we move forward, we see that it's much more complex than we think. Each step becomes an act of vulnerability if we are going to move forward - and it is the same in our journey for faith. Tune in to this week's Moments of Hope.

Moments of Hope: Paco

May 23, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles

Ernest Hemingway started one of his Nobel Prize-winning books with an illustration demonstrating how many people are called Paco in Madrid. However, his story revealed so much more than just his point—how many people are looking for forgiveness. You are, I am... and it is found in Jesus. Listen today to be reminded of the hope we have.