Our loving Father invites us to bring our concerns, needs, and desires to Him, and I wonder whether sometimes, as we do, he gets a little offended by the small things we ask for. Our God is a good and generous Father who longs to give us the desires of our hearts. In this short story, Pastor Andy shares a powerful reminder from Arnold Palmer's life that in the presence of a king, we need not ask for any small thing.
Moments of Hope: Chew the Cud
September 5, 2024
You probably haven't wondered how a cow eats. But, well... cows do more than eat - they ruminate! They Chew the Cud in the same way the scriptures encourage us to digest the word of God. Listen today and learn how to ruminate!
Moments of Hope: Check Lists
August 29, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
Checklists save lives! This is true in the medical profession and in your spiritual life. If we can build daily disciplines into our lives that focus us on the things of God, we can add spiritual vibrancy to our spiritual health. Tune in to today's Moments of Hope to find out how!
Moments of Hope: Remember the Fleas
August 22, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
Grateful for the Fleas? ...who on earth has anything to be thankful to those pesky creatures for?!?
The fleas can remind us that even in the worst of situations and circumstances, God can use them to give us what he wants us to have. In this week's Moments of Hope, Pastor Andy shares a deir story of how God used an object of hate to show us something of himself.
Moments of Hope: Notified or Known?
August 15, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
We live in a world of notifications. In this week's Moments of Hope, Pastor Andy shares some data on how often our phones notify us of what's happening in our world in our quest to "know." But the scripture reveals that there is something better than knowing, and that's to be known by our Creator. Tune in today and be encouraged.
Moments of Hope: Lean In
August 8, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
Research suggests that we live in the most individualistic nation in the world, yet the gospel indicates that we are meant for each other and that life is much healthier if it's lived in the context of "we," not "me." In this week's Moments of Hope, Pastor Andy reminds us of the importance of "Leaning in" to one another, not "Leaning Out" away from each other.
Moments of Hope: The Fake Plant
August 1, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
The headline in the 2020 newspaper read, “California Mom Crushed to Learn Plant She Watered for 2 Years Is Fake.” It turns out that this lady could not identify a fake plant for 2 years before she found out. Before we laugh too hard about this, though, there are a couple of things that we must remember - 1) The same thing happens to us in relationships, and 2) All too often, we live fake lives so well that we convince people too easily of fake things about us. What do we do about it? ...watch and find out.
Moments of Hope: The Encouragement Tunnel
July 25, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
Last week, at the end of a long, tiring day, Pastor Andy saw something happen that brought some weary travelers a little energy and a lot of joy. Listen to why it's so important that we offer the kind of encouragement to one another that expands the soul!
Moments of Hope: Perspective Matters
July 18, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
Perspective Matters. How we see things, expect things and respond to things gets a lot easier if we have a healthy perspective. In this story Pastor Andy shares a story about how a daughter helped her parents gain some perspective as she was delivering some bad news.
Moments of Hope: Herald a New Dawn
July 11, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
In this week's Moments of Hope, Pastor Andy reflects on one of his favorite stories from one of his favorite Prime Ministers. In it, we are reminded that for those who trust Jesus, the end can mean we are set for a new beginning. Tune in today for this encouraging Moment of Hope!
Moments of Hope: The Lonely in a Family
June 27, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
Last week, Pastor Andy was away in San Francisco. While looking at some ministry programs that bring transformation, one of the heartfelt reminders of God's care for us came when visiting a tiny home project. What was great about this was not just that people experiencing homelessness were housed, but what was happening in the lives of those formerly unsheltered men and women.
Moments of Hope: PreLoading Decisions
June 20, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
How do we change things? We decide to. And our decisions have to be clear and detailed so that we can follow through on our commitments. In this week's Moments of Hope, you'll hear a story that proves this point and an example in the scriptures. Choose this day who you will serve!
Moments of Hope: The Glow of Giving
June 13, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
In this week's Moment of Hope, Pastor Andy helps connect the dots between some of Jesus's words and a recent study by Harvard University about what happens to us when we choose to live for the benefit of others.
Moments of Hope: Satisfaction > Success
June 6, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
There is a satisfaction greater than success. Once you find that satisfaction, you'll trade "success" for it. In this week's Moments of Hope, Pastor Andy shares a fable about a wise woman who not only realized this but also helped another see it.
Moments of Hope: Walking
May 30, 2024 • Pastor Andy Searles
Walking. I've learned recently that we take a lot for granted when we walk, but as we examine how we move forward, we see that it's much more complex than we think. Each step becomes an act of vulnerability if we are going to move forward - and it is the same in our journey for faith. Tune in to this week's Moments of Hope.