July 14 - 21, 2025

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” - Galatians 3:28

Adults, parents, and students (completed 8th-12th at the end of the 2024-2025 school year) are invited to join our team in Guatemala as we serve alongside the local church in the town of Chimaltenango as well as our ministry partners in Antigua. We’ll stay in Antigua for the week. We’ll use the week to facilitate a medical clinic, lead a soccer and discipleship clinic, help with area home construction, and serve local entrepreneurs.

Guatemala is a beautiful country famous for it’s coffee, volcanoes, and Mayan culture. Nearly 49% of the population lives on less than $5.50 a day. Spanish is the national language of Guatemala, though many Guatemalans are also conversant in English. This is a great introductory opportunity for you to serve globally. It’s also a great opportunity for you to see and experience the beauty of the global church. 

While we certainly need Doctors and nurses on this trip, it is not limited to those with a medical background. There are plenty of serving opportunities for all! 


COST: $1,800 (cost is per participant and includes flights, ground transportation, lodging, meals, trip book).

Registration (including $940 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit to cover flight cost) is due by March 23rd in order to reserve a spot. We cannot reserve a spot until registration and deposit are received.

75% of total trip cost to be raised by April 21st

100% of total trip cost to be raised by May 19th

Each team member must have current passport (cannot expire within 6 months of trip).

Team members will raise prayer and financial support.



Please be mindful of the following mandatory trainings:

SUN., MAR 16 @ 1:15-2:45pm

SUN., APR 27 @ 1:15-2:45pm

SUN., MAY 25 @ 1:15-2:45pm

SUN., JUN 29 @ 1:15-2:45pm