

May 1, 2022 • Bruce Stefanik, Jason Treadwell • Galatians 5:1, John 8:31–36, Galatians, Galatians 1:1–3

Over the years the people of God, like the generation that came out of Egypt, have struggled with staying on the balance beam of a simple obedient faith in the person of Jesus Christ. We seem to either fall off on the side of license, and proceed to do whatever we want or to a legalism that tries to impose human regulations in the hope of changing us from the outside in. In both cases the end result is further bondage and brokenness and in many cases a falling away from the faith. Neither option produces life. This is why Paul wrote his book of freedom to the church in Galatia. He was zealous that the finished work of Christ on the cross would set them free like no other. He longed to see their lives shaped by an eternal, trustworthy Gospel.


July 17, 2022 • Bruce Stefanik, Jason Treadwell • Galatians, Galatians 6:11–18

Who would ever imagine using the symbol of a cross to represent freedom? From the outside the cross seems like just the opposite. It was an instrument specifically designed to take away your freedom and ultimately your life. It was not something you would boast about! In this last chapter Paul does not “boast” about his intelligence, his accomplishments or his position. But his glory is in the cross and its power to produce a new creation! Out of what looks like a shameful, final ending God saw fit to bring a resurrection that would free his creation once and for all! Paul said; “ I am done talking about it. Now let’s go live it”


July 10, 2022 • Bruce Stefanik, Jason Treadwell • Galatians, Galatians 6:1–10

Remember the illustration about how you can count the seeds in apple but no one can count the number of apples in the seeds? You could, in fact, be holding an entire orchard in your hand or an abundance of apples. That’s the power of sowing and reaping. Fruit is delicious. appealing and nourishing. And every fruit contains seed for the next harvest. It’s wonderful for me to enjoy it in the moment, but I must sow into the future and into fields around me so that future generations can enjoy it as well. Both the promise and the principle testify that if I sow sparingly I will reap sparingly but if I sow generously I will reap abundantly! As we work together with God, imagine the possibilities!


July 3, 2022 • Bruce Stefanik, Jason Treadwell • Galatians, Galatians 5:15–26

This weekend we celebrate Independence Day in the U.S. In 1776 our forefathers signed the Declaration of Independence declaring us a sovereign nation, free from the monarchy of King George of England. But for the last 250 years we have found that freedom is fragile and anything but free. In a world view without God freedom looks like self expression, independence and personal choices. But in Galatians, Paul says real freedom is found in serving one another in love. Indulging our selfish passions always tears us apart, but imitating Christ’s sacrificial love is what binds us together. This love is not the sappy, emotional form of love that makes for a Hollywood movie. It is a love that gives and serves and bleeds and dies for the object of its affection. It’s shocking and humbling when we see it in action.