
Worthy- Week 1

June 4, 2023 • Colston Copeland

Worship is the response, the reverence, and the adoration of what we believe to be ultimate.


What is ultimate in your life?


Worship is a response of reverence and adoration, to who God is (His character), what God has done (His faithfulness), and what He is/will do. (His trustworthiness).


God has put His character on display so that ALL would know He is God.


Exodus 3:4-6


God is holy.

Exodus 3:7-8


God hears you and cares for you.


Exodus 3:12-15


Whatever you are worshiping, how does it compare to a holy, all-powerful, faithful creator God?


Exodus 6:1-8


Exodus 14:10-18

The circumstances around you will always tempt you to shift your worship.

God’s character is never altered by the circumstances you are faced with.


Numbers 13:31-33


Numbers 14:2-4


Fear and worry will tempt you to forget the promises of God.


 Failure to worship leads to a lack of faith that leads to disobedience that leads to disconnection and, ultimately death. Disobedience leads to disconnection and death.


Numbers 14:20-25


Our failure to obey can change our circumstances but it doesn’t change God.

Disobedience may cost us a blessing, but it doesn’t cost us God’s faithfulness.


Deut. 28:9-10


Worship is a response of reverence and adoration, to who God is (His character), what God has done (His faithfulness), and what He is/will do. (His trustworthiness).


We are invited to worship God for who He is, what He has done, and what He will do.



Rhythm of Life:


Intentionally Focus:

Intentionally Remember:

Intentionally Celebrate:

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