
Child Dedication

May 12, 2024
8:30 - 11:30am
7 spots remaining

At Church of the Way, we recognize the beautiful gifts that are our children. They are a blessing God has bestowed upon us to love, serve, and raise to live the way of Jesus. As a church, our heart is to come alongside you, the primary spiritual influence in your child's life, and partner with you to see your child flourish in their faith. 

One step you can take as a parent to raise your child to live the way of Jesus is to participate in child dedication. Child Dedication is a public commitment first on behalf of the parents that they are devoted to raising their child to know, love, and follow Jesus. It is also a shared commitment on behalf of the church that we will stand beside you in this parenting journey. We will do everything possible to equip, encourage, and support you as the primary spiritual influence in your child's life.

Child dedication is a beautiful celebration of the love and commitment between the parents, the child, and the church to support one another in living the way of Jesus. 

We will have Child Dedication on Mother's Day, May 12, at 8:30 am. 10:00 am, or 11:30am service. Each child being dedicated must register ahead of Mother's Day to ensure that we have just enough special gifts for each child. Last year's dedication was a very special weekend, and we expect the same this year, so please invite your family to join in on this incredible Sunday. Registration is open, so sign up now!