
Ronald McDonald House Donation Collection

Self-Care Kit Donations

September 19, 2021
9:00am - 12:00pm

When parents and caregivers have children in the hospital, they need essential items to care for themselves. They are dealing with so much and it can take a toll. Providing self-care kits will help bring a smile to parents’ faces, as they are going through a difficult time. We will collect donations for the self-care kits on September 19th and September 26th in the lobby. We will deliver self-care kits on October 1st. When buying items for these kits, think about getting gender-specific items for both mom and dad. SUGGESTED ITEMS: ● Beauty/skincare set ● Headphones ● Adult coloring book ● Travel mug/water bottle ● Phone charger ● Fuzzy socks ● Colored pencils ● Playing cards ● The Roasterie Café gift card (located inside Children’s Mercy) ● Chapstick ● Lotion ● Hand sanitizer ● Gum/Mints