July 16, 2023 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • 1 Corinthians 12:4–11
The Holy Spirit can move in a believer's life in a multitude of ways, bestowing supernatural power and ability for the purpose of Church health and growth. Manifestation gifts, the category of gifts that include healing, prophecy, wisdom, and tongues, are perhaps the least understood and will be explored by Pastor Larry in this message. The most important thing to remember about operating in any spiritual gift, though, is to remain focused on the Giver and not the gift, allowing yourself to simply be the vessel for the power of God to flow through.
Gifted & Motivated to Serve
July 2, 2023 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Romans 12:3–8
Of all the spiritual gifts, the motivational gifts most reveal the personality of God. People who love to serve, encourage, give, and show mercy often don't realize they're operating in a spiritual gift because it comes so naturally to them. But these gifts are essential to the health and life of the church and deserve to be recognized and celebrated.
Knowing & Using Your Spiritual Gifts, Pt. 1
June 11, 2023 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Ephesians 4:11–13
Have you ever received a gift and never opened it? The Holy Spirit has given each of us gifts designed to equip us for the work of ministry, but it's up to us to know our gifts and grow in them. In today's message, Pastor Larry unpacks the gifts found in the Ministry category: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
Holy Spirit - Gift & Giver
May 21, 2023 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • 1 Corinthians 12:1–7
Do you know your spiritual gift? When we receive Christ, we receive Holy Spirit as a gift, who then gives us spiritual gifts to equip us for ministry. But only when we use them in humility and in unity within the Body do we bring glory to Jesus.
Filled With The Spirit
May 7, 2023 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Ephesians 5:18
Do you like receiving gifts? God has given each of us spiritual gifts designed to help us serve Him and others. But we must choose to develop them and operate in them by yielding daily to the Holy Spirit.
The Person
April 30, 2023 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • John 16:13
Who is the Holy Spirit really? The Bible tells us He is the third Person of the Trinity, the Author of Scripture, and the One who comforts, counsels, advocates, convicts and sanctifies us. And yet knowing who He is is only the beginning - He must be experienced to be fully known.
Keeper of the Flame
April 23, 2023 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • 1 Timothy 1:5–7
Many things can cause us to lose our zeal for the Lord and what He's called us to - tragedy, opposition, even prosperity. That's why it's good to remind ourselves regularly that we have the fiery presence of Holy Spirit inside us, and our responsibility to keep the flame burning brightly.