November 20, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 13:1–6
What holds you steady when things get tough? The writer of Hebrews concludes his letter with several key exhortations on living out our faith even in the difficult times. May God's promise that He will never leave us or forsake us give us the strength and resolve to love others well, honour our marriage vows, and live contentedly.
Corrected to be Redirected
October 30, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 12:5–11
Have you ever been disciplined by a father figure? Coach? By God? The writer of Hebrews reminds us in chapter 12 that God's discipline, though painful, is for our good and because He loves us. We are His children, and He wants us to become the people He purposed us to be. This week, let's expand our view of 'fatherhood' beyond the limited and broken experiences we have had growing up, and allow God to heal us and show us His heart.
Living By Faith
October 23, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 11:1–6
What is faith, and how do we live by it? Abel, Enoch, Noah, and so many others demonstrated what faith in action looks like, and how through faith broken people gain the approval of God. Hebrews 11 affirms that faith is a confidence - an assurance we can build our lives on - that God is who He says He is and rewards those who seek Him.
September 18, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 9:15–28
Have you ever tried using Monopoly money instead of the real thing? In the same way, the Old Covenant - with all its religious rituals - was only a shadow of the true mediation Jesus' life and death fulfills between a sinful people and a holy God.
Can You See Him?
September 4, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 9:1–12
Have you ever missed seeing something when it was right in front of your eyes? The writer of Hebrews details the tabernacle of Moses in chapter 9 in order to reveal how each element points to Jesus. Just like today when we struggle to see God and what He's doing, we can rest assured that He's there and working all things for our good.
New and Better
August 28, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 8:1–8
Thousands of people have gone on a search for God, and have only found religion - something distasteful - causing them to walk away. Yet Jesus came to bring a new and better covenant, one centred on grace and written on people's hearts.
Perfected in Christ
August 14, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 7:11–22
Join us as Pastor Larry continues the sermon series, 'Christ is Enough' with a study of why Jesus is our ultimate High Priest and King, and let's celebrate once again the power and completeness He offers to us through his indestructible life!
Hebrews 7:11-22
Anchored in Hope
July 31, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 6:10–19
When life gets difficult and discouraging, it's easy to get frustrated and lose your joy and motivation. And yet the writer of Hebrews would point you to Abraham, who knew what it meant to have patience and perseverance, and the important part both play in inheriting God's promises and finishing well. For when you're anchored in hope, you're sure to be blessed.
From Milk To Solid Food
July 17, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 5
In this message we are going to focus on what the writer of Hebrews refers to as maturing from milk to eating solid foods, the meat of the word of God.
Exposed but Understood
July 3, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 4:12–16
The Word of God has a powerful way of exposing the deepest things in our hearts before a holy God. Yet because of Jesus' humanity and victory, we can approach God's throne with boldness and find grace and mercy.
Rested or Restless?
June 26, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 4:1–11
Rested or restless - which of these terms best describe you this week? We are reminded in Hebrews 4 that Jesus is inviting us to enter His rest, and promises us rest when we choose to obey Him through faith.
Hold Fast to Your Faith & Each Other
June 12, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 3:1–13
How do we navigate uncertain times? The book of Hebrews outlines the authority of Christ over every situation, and the importance of holding fast to our faith in Him and to each other.
How Low Can He Go?
June 5, 2022 • Pastor Jeremy MacDonald • Hebrews 2:10–18
As independent as we feel we are, we all need help, and there is no Helper greater than Jesus. Hebrews 2 reminds us of the depths to which Jesus debased Himself in order to save us, sanctify us, and blaze a trail for us so that we could be called sons and daughters of God and now walk in power through the Holy Spirit.
But Until Then
May 29, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 2:1–9
Have you ever felt off-course, or adrift at sea? The writer of Hebrews reminds us that in these moments we need to cling even more to what we know to be true, anchoring ourselves to it through putting it into practice.
The Final Word
May 22, 2022 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Hebrews 1:1–4
In the midst of pain and uncertainty, is Jesus enough to get you through? The book of Hebrews was written to a people experiencing extreme persecution under Nero in order to answer that question. Yes, Christ truly is enough - enough for them, and enough for you.