

Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

October 6, 2019 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali

Many Christians can easily relate to God the Father and Jesus the Son but they seem distant with Holy Spirit. Yet, Holy Spirit dwells inside every believer and is a constant companion in our walk of faith. In this message, Pastor Larry takes a closer look on who Holy Spirit is.


September 29, 2019 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali

This message focuses on what the Bible teaches about sonship. Sonship is not about your gender. It is about your position in Christ.

God the Father

September 15, 2019 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali

One of the things Jesus came to earth to do was to show us what God is really like. What is your view of God? Maybe you view God as a bad landlord. He’s put you in a bad place to live while He’s living in a great place. Maybe you view God as a boss who keeps piling more responsibilities on you, and regardless of how much you do, it’s never enough. Let's look at how Jesus contradicted all the stereotypes about God.

Three in One

September 8, 2019 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali

The doctrine of the Trinity is important in our Christian faith. Yet, it is not easily talked about, explained or even http://understood...one God externally existing in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Distinct persons but acting in perfect unity. The Trinity reveals the attributes and characteristics of the God of the Universe which helps us better understand and know who He is.