November 21, 2021 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Habakkuk 3
What does it really mean to live by faith, especially with life doesn't make sense? The ancient prophet Habakkuk struggled with this very question, documenting his dialogue with God in the tiny book named for him. He concludes that ultimately, faith - complete with worshipping and rejoicing in the Lord in the midst of tragedy - is a choice we make based on who God is and not on what He does for us. We are to trust Him at all times, believing in His goodness even if we don't get the answers we are praying for.
Worn Down?
November 14, 2021 • Pastor Jeremy MacDonald • Mark 1:9–13
Do you feel worn down, or in a desert season right now? If you do, you're not alone. We find great comfort in remembering the testing Jesus endured in the desert and how it trained and empowered him for a life fully surrendered and reliant on the Father.
The Self-Made Man
October 31, 2021 • Pastor Kyleigh Coad • 1 Corinthians 12:14–26
Who do you accredit your life's accomplishments to? Does the self-made man really exist? Join us as Pastor Kyleigh Coad unpacks how we've been shaped by both parentage and patronage, and the many ways in which we need the support of other believers to achieve our God-given potential.
Practicing Gratitude
October 10, 2021 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • Luke 17:12–19
With the intense negativity surrounding us in this season, it's even more important to actively focus on practicing gratitude. This Thanksgiving, let's remember that every good thing we have was given to us by God, and let's turn each of these blessings back into praise.
September 12, 2021 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali • 1 Corinthians 13:13
It is said that the most important question we can ask is, "Why?" or "Why do we exist?" COG-MJ exists to be a beacon of faith, hope, and love, so that people can discover their worth to God and their potential to accomplish great things for God.
July 18, 2021 • COG Staff Team
Pastor Larry is passing off the mic to five members of the COG staff team! Hear their heart, what they're passionate about, and be inspired by their message to you. The challenge? They only have five minutes each!
August 22, 2021 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali
Burger kings says, “Have it your way.” We say things like, “I’m a self-made man.” We like the idea of being totally independent and we have bought into a myth that the key to happiness is independence. But Bible says that the key to happiness is not independence but inter-dependence. We need each other and we belong to each other. God wired you for community, not isolation.
Easter HOPE: Peace & Purpose
April 4, 2021 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali
After Jesus died, the disciples felt much like we feel these days: distressed, afraid, and aimless. Yet when Jesus rose from the dead and revealed Himself to them, everything changed! This Easter, let's receive afresh the peace and purpose Jesus' resurrection brings to all who believe in Him and who walk in the hope of eternal life.
The New Normal
January 3, 2021 • Pastor Larry Hasmatali
Do you know where you want to end up in 2021? Has this pandemic stolen your vision and sense of purpose? Now more than ever, we need to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and continually step out in faith towards what He has called us to, even as a new unknown becomes our new normal.