
Becoming Courageous: “Fear Not!”

December 19, 2021 • Jeff Keuss • Isaiah 40:1–5, Isaiah 41:10–13, Luke 1:13, Luke 1:30, Luke 2:10

“Maybe the place we experience God-with-Us today is in the very fears we have about
our own lives, our own world, our own future. The fears that keep us from believing that
anything can be different. The fears that we are here all on our own.... Today, let our fears
be the starting place of divine connection.” God has not left us. “May you not be afraid, for
Love has drawn near.” Scott Erickson, Honest Advent (191)
I. The Root of Fear: “Where Are You?”
II. The Response to Fear
a. Imitation
b. Contempt
c. Violence
III. The Hope of Fear: “The Fear of the Lord”

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