
Where Can Wisdom Be Found?

January 30, 2022 • Jack Brace • Job 28:9–15, Job 28:20–28

“We live in a world drowning in information but starving for wisdom.” - E.O. Wilson.
E.O. Wilson penned these words back in 1998 and with each passing year they’ve become more relevant to our lives. Indeed, our lives are saturated with data and information but void of understanding, and the truth is that we need wisdom, not more knowledge. Which is why I love Job’s question in Job 28:12, “Where can wisdom be found?” Wisdom isn’t quick, it’s experiential. Wisdom takes time and patience and staying engaged. I love this about Job’s story. He stays in it. And so today we’re invited to explore this question posed by Job and in doing so, perhaps come to a greater understanding of what God is up to in our lives.
I.Wisdom is absolutely important. (v. 9-12)
II. Wisdom is virtually unattainable. (v. 13-27)
III. Wisdom can nonetheless be cultivated. (v. 28)

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