
How Can I Be Born Again?

Sun, October 19, 2014

October 19, 2014 • Jeff Keuss

How important is the date when you gave your life to Christ to your faith journey?

What evidence is there in your life now that demonstrates the signs of life in your relationship with Christ?

What keeps you from moving fully into the life of new birth in Christ?

When have you done something "at night" to be hidden from your friends?

How easy is it for you to see Jesus as Rabbi, one who has the authority to teach you truth? What else do you rely on for truth?

What new truths have you heard along your journey that have transformed your understanding of Jesus?

When are you most aware of God's presence in your life? What signs of life do you see in your life that confirms your new birth?

In what areas of your life do you need to more deeply understand what the rule of Christ covers?

How are you pursuing the depth of Christ's presence?

Where are you in living into the life of your new birth? What can you do to live more fully into your life in Christ?

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