
Milk and Honey in Life’s Wilderness

Sun, July 07, 2013

July 7, 2013 • Joe Springer

1. How easy is it for you to say Jesus is enough? 2. When have you unintentionally drifted away from the Lord? What made you realize that you had drifted? 3. How do you keep Jesus before you? 4. How do you see him in the trenches with you? 5. How easy is it for you to stand before Jesus, in spite of being aware of your sin? 6. How do you turn to Christ in your restlessness? What else do you look to for relief from restlessness? 7. How do you experience the presence of God throughout your day? 8. What can you do to remember God's presence throughout the day? 9. What experiences has God used in your life to turn you toward Himself? How easy was it to give him your heart? 10. Are there superficial things that you rely on that cloud your view of Jesus? 11. How does Jesus' presence motivate your actions and attitudes? 12. How do you find rest in your spiritual journey? 13. What makes it difficult to rest? 14. What do you see as barriers to your rest? 15. How can rest help you be more aware of how your work is done for Christ and not yourself? 16. How have you seen Christ's strength fill up your weaknesses? 17. What can you do to build rest into your schedule this week? 18. How can you receive rest as a gift?

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