
Faith Prepares

Sun, November 29, 2015

November 29, 2015 • Jeff Keuss

What do you do to prepare for Christmas?

How do you relate to power?

How do you use power to control the chaos around you?

How do you use power to be acknowledged or to gain attention?

When have you seen power enforced through violence

What would you say is the purpose of power?

Who are the prophets in your life? When have they spoken truth to you that you did to want to hear?

Have there been times when you felt compelled to speak truth that may be unpopular? How did you respond?

When have you had to choose between listening to prophecy and maintaining power?

When have you experienced repentance?

Are there spaces in your life now where you need to do something in order to prepare your heart for Christ to enter in?

Are there dark places in your context that you can cast the light of Christ? What would the light be like in intensity? A beacon? The warm glow of lantern?

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