
Imitation Game

Sun, July 12, 2015

July 12, 2015 • Jeff Keuss

How does tradition guide and shape who you are as a follower of Christ?

When have you seen tradition to be an ineffective guide for followers of Christ?

Who do you have in your life that you want to imitate? What makes them worthy of imitation?

What practices do you have that helps us to be imitators of Christ?

In what ways are you distracted in worship by things around you? What can you do to remove the distraction?

Can you think of ways that your behavior may distract others from worship of and/or following Christ ? What can you do to remove this distraction ?

How does your perspective isolate you from friendship with those of the opposite sex? How might this harm the body of Christ?

What is distracting you from being an imitator of Christ right now?

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