
A Religionless Christianity

Christ alone is the power to change lives.

January 16, 2022 • Daniel Harrison

It's not about religion! It's about resting in a relationship with the One who helps us reign in life. Today we talk about how “Christ alone is the power to change lives,” which flows together with the following week on how “healthy spirituality requires healthy habits.” These two weeks pull together the tension people often struggle with as they ponder how the gospel of grace and its application flow together in our lives.

The Unfamiliar Gospel

Daniel Harrison

There is only one sermon to teach at Church 212, so we figured being upfront on this now would be helpful! That message is The Kingdom of God Among Us. Everything else flows from this one theme.

A Hybrid-Faith Experience

March 20, 2022

The physical expression of church is here to stay, and assimilating people into face-to-face fellowship is central to relationship building, corporate worship, spiritual growth, and evangelism. But in understanding the times, we do need a technology-based solution to supplement effective ministry in "Digital Babylon," the name of this era in Christian history (credit to David Kinnaman for the term). Listen in as we discuss the final signpost of our vision with the 5 D's of Digital Engagement. Our text for today is Romans 10:14-16.

Engagement in the Great Commission

Daniel Harrison