
Invitation to CRC Christmas Eve

Kingdom Perspective

December 24, 2020 • Don Willeman

Hello! I’m Pastor Don Willeman of Christ Redeemer Church, and I want to let you know about something very exciting coming up for you on Christmas Eve at the downtown Lebanon Green.

The pandemic has been a challenge for all of us, and we desperately need two things: Community and Hope. Isolation and despair are serious problems.

Normally, we’d be gathering to celebrate the holidays. But COVID is making congregating indoors very difficult!

But, at CRC we believe that God is charge, and that times of challenge are times of opportunity.

So, in lieu of our normal indoor Christmas Eve services, we are planning something very special—an outdoor Candlelight Christmas Eve Service on the Lebanon Green. This will be a socially-distanced, mask-required event, following all the recommended health protocols.

We will gather, sing and celebrate not only our shared community, but also the hope of Christmas—that God sent His only Son into our world darkness, in order that He might give us the light of His love.

So, make plans for you and your family to join us on Christmas Eve, December 24th at 4:30pm. And please invite your friends and neighbors. All are welcome! And don’t forget to click on the link below for more important details.

I look forward to seeing you! And on behalf of our congregation: Merry Christmas!