
The Beauty of Unity

Psalm 133; August 16, 2020; Pastor Don Willeman

August 16, 2020 • Don Willeman • Psalm 133


“To dwell in love with saints above— Oh that will be glory! But to dwell below with saints we know— Ah! That’s a different story!”

~Christopher J.H. Wright, missiologist, Anglican clergyman and scholar

“Christianity means community through Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ.”

“He who loves his dream of a community more than Christian community itself becomes a destroyer of the latter, even though his personal intentions may be ever so honest and earnest and sacrificial.”

~Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), pastor-theologian, martyred by the Nazis

“The experience of Jesus creates community, and community leads us back to the experience of Jesus”

~Tim Keller, Presbyterian pastor and writer

“If all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world.”

“Kind words do not cost much. Yet they accomplish much.”

~Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician and thinker

“It would be a good contest amongst Christians, one to labor to give no offence and the other to labour to take none.”

~Richard Sibbes (1577-1635), Church of England pastor and theologian


Psalm 133 (NIV)
A song of ascents. Of David.

1 How good and pleasant it is
when God’s people live together in unity!

2 It is like precious oil poured on the head,
running down on the beard,
running down on Aaron’s beard,
down on the collar of his robe.
3 It is as if the dew of Hermon
were falling on Mount Zion.
For there the Lord bestows his blessing,
even life forevermore.