
Resurrection - Holy Spirit

July 9, 2017

July 9, 2017 • Dr Charles Kyker

As a proclaimer of the Gospel to the Mediterranean world, Paul saw first-hand how some people would believe and some refuse to believe. He saw the Spirit drawing men and women to faith, and giving people ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to accept the gift of forgiveness in Christ. He saw others harden their hearts and refuse the Lord altogether. Regardless, Paul was always ready to share his personal story of faith and the message of Christ to a lost world—from the least to the greatest.

More from Credo

Lack of Spiritual Authority

July 23, 2017 • Dr Charles Kyker

There are few things more heart-warming than to see loving families reunited after being apart—to see a soldier return home after a tour of duty and an emotional family embrace, or to witness a couple on the brink of separation find strength to love again and forgive. Sadly, there is nothing more painful to see than for families to be separated by divorce, sharp disagreements, greed, pride, or infidelity. In the beginning God enjoyed fellowship with His children. But instead of trusting God, Adam and Eve believed the lie of a serpent and separated themselves from their Father. From that point forward all of creation was cursed resulting in pain and suffering still felt today. Yet, God in His mercy has not abandoned His creation. Through His Son, our heavenly Father has made a way for reunion and restoration.

The Church

July 16, 2017 • Dr Charles Kyker

God’s kindness is meant to turn us away from sin (see Romans 2:4). We often think our job is to bring people into the doors of the church, but quite the opposite. True followers of Christ are appointed to make house calls, to go where the need is like Jesus did, and share the kindness of our Savior.

Son - Savior

July 2, 2017 • Dr Charles Kyker

The apostle Paul was a man on a mission. In his former life, Saul of Tarsus, was on a man-made mission to persecute followers of the Way. But God had other plans for Saul (later Paul) and it was not to drag believers into prison, but instead to free men from the prison of sin. Meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus changed his future forever, and in time, the eternal destiny of millions of others. Paul said yes to God’s call and personally experienced Holy Spirit power: “And no one can say Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3b). Once standing in a stairwell surrounded by an angry mob, Paul boldly shared his story of God’s work in his life.