
Sacrifice & Surrender to Go Vertical

September 18, 2016

September 18, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

God’s way of going vertical is not man’s way of going vertical. Significance is not accomplished in our strength but through faith in God. The only way to truly go vertical is God’s way—faith, obedience, sacrifice and surrender. Abram, later called Abraham (see Genesis 17:5), was not a perfect man and yet “God counted him as righteous because of his faith” (Romans 4:3). When we attempt to go vertical in our own strength as the people in Babel did, exalting man, we may find God bringing down our mission in defeat. But when we selflessly sacrifice ourselves for others (with a rescue in mind!) the Lord will move heaven and earth to make our mission successful.

Going Vertical Weekend

October 9, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

What is keeping you from being “all in” and fully living into the Lord’s call up-on your life? In other words, what is that one thing that keeps pulling you down? Perhaps it is greed keeping you from going vertical, perhaps a downhill habit, or maybe an unhealthy relationship? Going vertical means living into all that the Lord has for us! We serve a God who is generous and worthy of eternal praise. He has graciously given us everything we need—even our greatest need He has provided, forgiveness of sin. Going vertical means living with an attitude of abundance. God has never been scarce in His love and goodness toward us. May we be generous in our love, our finances, our time, and our prayers for His church, His Kingdom, His glory.

We are Stewards, Students, and Servants

October 2, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

Have you ever felt defeated? What did you do about it? The parable in Luke 16:1-13 is quite intriguing. There is a rich landowner who gets word that his manager is mishandling his money, and so decides to fire his servant. But instead of wallowing in defeat, as soon as the dishonest manager hears that he is going to be fired, he does something so shrewd the landowner has to admire him a little. Jesus is not condoning dishonesty in this parable but instead making the point that if the world knows how to be clever with other people’s resources for earthly gain, why can’t followers of Christ more cleverly utilize eternal resources for heavenly gain? As Christ-followers we say we love God but we mishandle our Father’s resources all the time. God calls us to be faithful stewards of His wealth, faithful students of His Word, and faithful servants of His work in this world. But instead, we spend His money on ourselves, misuse our free moments on mindless technology (that could be quiet time with the Lord), or use up our energy on the wrong mission. It’s no wonder we feel defeated much of the time. As John Maxwell says, most of us have uphill goals in mind but we have downhill habits that keep us from moving forward.

Blessed through Tithing

September 25, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

Going vertical means enjoying a deep personal relationship with God through Christ. We show our love for the Lord by giving Him control of our material possessions. If you are a believer (by faith, you have invited the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart) then tithing is merely a starting point. Jesus told the rich young ruler: “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me” (Mark 10:21b). Following Jesus means emulating what He did, and He laid down everything for us.