
What Are We Doing Here?

September 3, 2017

September 3, 2017 • Dr Charles Kyker

What is the New Testament church all about? From the beginning God desires to live among His people. God’s blessing to Abraham and the promise of salvation continues to unfold as God-pursuers (those who by faith have accepted the work of His Christ) march forward in step with the Savior. Through Christ’s church, His Bride—local communities of faith comprising a universal body of believers—the Lord’s message of forgiveness is proclaimed to the world. The apostle Paul says this: “For God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself… and He gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making His appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, ‘Come back to God!” (2 Corinthians 5:19-20)


September 10, 2017 • Dr Charles Kyker

Through the prophet Isaiah the Lord clearly warns us “not to think like everyone else does.” God’s people should not call everything a conspiracy or live in fear. Instead we should “make the LORD of Heaven’s Armies holy” in our lives. He alone is the One who should make us tremble! (see Isaiah 8:11-13) God’s people have a greater assignment than to live in dread of what might happen. God’s people are to live with a heart for the people around us in need of hope. Too often, we look to this world for answers instead of looking into God’s Word. Too often we listen to surrounding voices and forget our purpose as a people redeemed by God. And so we drift and allow many other things to distract us from the mission of Christ. It’s time we refocus and align our mission with the mission of Christ—reaching people far from God in need of His love. Time is short and God wants His people to pause, step back, and get a new perspective.

Why Do We Exist?

August 27, 2017 • Dr Charles Kyker

The apostle Paul certainly had his work cut out for him as he carried the Gospel to the western world. The letters he wrote to the early church in Corinth give insight into some of the difficult issues they faced. By recounting his own experience, he reminded them that though hardship threatens to undo us, our faith helps us stand firm (2 Corinthians 1:8-11, 24). Paul also challenged them for allowing the sinful degradation of the surrounding culture to infiltrate their church. This made some angry, even hostile towards Paul, provoking doubt in the church regarding Paul’s authority as an apostle. But Paul stayed the course. Similarly, when sin, lies, and opposition attempt to derail us today, we must remember our reason for existing.