
CORE: Training

August 14, 2016

August 14, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

Every core value we have talked about in the last few weeks leads up to this one. Reaching beyond the walls of the local church is nothing new, but it requires intentionality. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Paul and Barnabas were sent out to carry the Gospel message into greater regions and grow the Church globally. On this first journey Paul and Barnabas travel as far as Antioch of Pisidia, and on the Sabbath are given an opportunity to share the message of Christ. Re-read Paul’s sermon in verse 16-41. Notice the first thing Paul does is find common ground with his audience. By preaching in this venue (a synagogue) Paul is first taking Christ’s message to the Jewish people, as the Lord instructed. He speaks to the Jews about their history and God’s fulfillment of His promises through the Messiah.

CORE: Small Groups

August 7, 2016 • Naomi Bivens

Devoted followers of Christ remain in the Vine by attending worship and doing life together with other believers. Studies show that these two components will not only add value to your life, but will help you live longer! God made us to worship Him and now, through His Son, God calls us His friends! (Romans 5:11) God also created us to be connected to one another through meaningful relationships, the most special of which is the bond we find as brothers and sisters in Christ.

CORE: Inspirational and Incarnational Worship

July 31, 2016 • Pastor Harley Scalf

In John 4, when a Samaritan woman came to draw physical water from a physical well, she had no idea she was about to meet Christ, the One who offers living water. Her encounter with Jesus would prove to be pivotal not only for her, someone forsaken by lovers and scorned by peers, but her witness would soon change the eternal destiny for all the people in her village. Jesus had told the woman: “The time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:23a). The woman knew it was time to step into the light of God’s truth. She did, and led the entire village to know the Savior. Jesus was alone when the woman came to draw water because the disciples had gone into the village to buy food. They were surprised to see Jesus speaking with a woman and curious why He didn’t want anything to eat. Jesus said: “‘I have a kind of food you know nothing about.’ ‘Did someone bring Him food while we were gone?’ the disciples asked each other. Then Jesus explained: ‘My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing His work’” (John 4:33-34).

CORE: Reaching

July 24, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

A healthy church focuses more on reaching than keeping. Why is that? Is the church not about being a family of faith and helping people feel like they belong? The local church is about welcoming people who desire to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, but then the goal is to become a community of believers united in a mission that compels us to do an “about-face” once we belong. It’s about looking for lost sheep outside the fold. Jesus said: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10). Once we know forgiveness of sin and experience true freedom in Christ, we are compelled to tell others the Good News.