
Josh, Chris & Deanna

Life Groups

April 10, 2016 • Josh, Chris & Deanna

Joining a LifeGroup can seem intimidating. But as Josh, Chris and Deanna have discovered: being in a LifeGroup and sharing life together, can be one of the most powerful and rewarding things we can do as followers of Christ.

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Antwone & Jennifer

September 6, 2020 • Antwone & Jennifer

After an affair, Antwone and Jennifer had to decide to fight for their marriage. Through many ups and downs they persevered. Listen to their full story about coming to terms with betrayal, how they decided to move forward, the steps they took to restore their relationship, and the importance of Christian counseling.

Molly Ann

August 30, 2020

Molly Ann struggled with Addiction and found God had better plans for her.

Jennifer & Richard

October 23, 2016 • Jennifer & Richard Pitts