
A Cheap Christmas

November 27, 2016

November 27, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

God loves you. You were created in His very image – special, unique, and beautiful – and God called you “very good” (see Genesis 1:31a). Sin has tried to cheapen what God made good, but you are still valuable to the Lord. In fact, you are so precious to God He sent His one and only Son to restore your worth. God came to this earth as a little baby and grew up realizing His assign- ment: to humble Himself to the point of death, taking upon Himself the sin that cheapens and ruins our lives, and rising again in victory over hell’s destruc- tion. This is what Christmas is all about.

Christmas Day

December 25, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

Merry Christmas! Join us as we celebrate the birth of our savior!

Christmas Eve Service

December 24, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

Join us as we celebrate Christmas and the birth of our savior! Music featuring the Western Piedmont Orchestra!

A Cheap Christmas

December 18, 2016 • Dr Charles Kyker

As we continue our series of "A Cheap Christmas" we look at how Jesus, through his life and sacrifice takes the power of sin and death away and gives us ultimate victory!