
Overcoming Fear


October 23, 2022 • Dr Charles Kyker • 2 Timothy 1

In life, sometimes fear can paralyze us. Think of a time you were given a thumbs up – your turn to go – and fear simply immobilized you from the next step. Fear comes in many different ways. There is fear of being rejected, not fitting it or being accepted. There is fear of being hurt, not measuring up, or being mocked. To be sure, there is one fear that is not bad. The Bible says: “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom (Psalm 111:10a), because there are times the Lord keeps us from certain things. Yet, the Lord does not want us to live in fear of fear. We are to live in wisdom, faith and love. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7). God wants you, His child, to take a step of faith into the adventure, the purpose and call He has for you.

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