
Second Sunday in Lent

February 25, 2024 • Pastor Greg Stenzel • Mark 8:31–38

Today our theme is: “Rethinking Suffering Under the Cross,” the next installment in our “Rethinking Religion” series. We know suffering and the cross was an instrument of torture and execution, which our Lord endured this for our salvation. However, Scripture also uses the term “cross” to refer to any suffering that one endures because he is a believer: the painful denial of the desires of the flesh; ridicule and persecution from unbelievers; etc. This is one reason people reject religion. They see Christians struggling in life with these crosses, while non-Christians often seem perfectly happy. Even the prophet Jeremiah asked, “Why do all the faithless live at ease?” (12:1).

Jesus asks us to rethink suffering under the cross, because any suffering believers face under the cross is only good, the way Christ connects us tightly to himself with fire-tested faith.