
The Open Door of Forgiveness

Holy Possessions -- 2023 Lent

March 22, 2023 • Pastor Greg Stenzel • John 20:19–23

God’s people or holy Christians are recognized by the office of the keys exercised publicly. That is, as Christ decrees in Matthew 18 [:15–20], if a Christian sins, he should be reproved; and if he does not mend his ways, he should be bound in his sin and cast out. If he does mend his ways, he should be absolved. That is the office of the keys. Now the use of the keys is twofold, public and private

Office of Holy Ministry

March 29, 2023 • Pastor Greg Stenzel • Ephesians 4:1–16

This message points out two essential features of what the pastor does. One, the pastor represents Jesus Christ. Two, the pastor works to build up the Christ body, the Church, to unity and http://maturity.the pastor do? In short, he represents Christ and works to build up the body of Christ.

What is this Bread? What is this Wine?

March 15, 2023 • Pastor Greg Stenzel • 1 Corinthians 10:1–22

God’s people, or Christian holy people, are recognized by the holy sacrament of the altar, wherever it is rightly administered, believed, and received, according to Christ’s institution. This too is a public sign and a precious, holy possession left behind by Christ by which his people are sanctified so that they also exercise themselves in faith and openly confess that they are Christian, just as they do with the word and with baptism.

Sacrament of Holy Baptism

March 8, 2023 • Pastor Greg Stenzel • Titus 3:4–7

God’s people, or the Christian holy people, are recognized by the holy sacrament of baptism, wherever it is taught, believed, and administered correctly according to Christ’s ordinance. That, too, is a public sign and a precious, holy possession by which God’s people are sanctified. It is the holy bath of regeneration through the Holy Spirit [Titus 3:5], in which we bathe and are washed of sin and death by the Holy Spirit, as in the innocent, holy blood of the Lamb of God. Wherever you see this sign, you may know that the church, or the holy Christian people, must surely be present.