
Christmas Morning Divine Service

December 25, 2023 • Pastor Greg Stenzel • John 1:1–14, Micah 5:2–5, Galatians 4:4–7

How can an omnipresent God be held in his mother’s arms?

How can an all-powerful God be too weak to walk? This is the

mystery of the incarnation—that God took on human flesh. We

cannot understand how it can be so. But the Spirit enables us to

grasp that this incomprehensible truth is very good news. This is

the Savior we need! As true man, he was born under God’s law,

all the commandments that we have broken. Where we have

failed, Jesus was perfect. As true God, when he laid down his

perfect life, it was a sacrifice valuable enough to pay for the sins

of the world so that we might be adopted as God’s children.

Christmas Day fills us with wonder—that the Creator God could

become flesh and dwell among us and that, in his great love for

us, he would do such a thing. Let us marvel at this good news of

great joy!