
The Legend of Christmas TEASER

Video Teaser for the Series

We're going back to a time when we pressed "Start" and "A" "B" "A" "A" "B" "B" "A" "jump" "left" "right" "jump" "SMASH!" "FIREBALL!" We're going back to joysticks and classic games, and . . . the Old Testament? Yep, for Christmas we're going on back to the classic video game what we're calling "THE LEGEND OF CHRISTMAS." It's a Legend that began way back when Adam and Eve had trouble in Garden, and God promised a Hero Messiah that would restore all things. This Christmas season we'll take a look at all the minor legends and adventures that led up to the super legendary night when Christ Jesus was born, and the Legend actually came true. Join us starting Dec 2nd for a retro gaming look back at "The Legend of Christmas"