Biblical Imitation: Looking Into the Mirror and Not Forgetting What You Look Like

Christ Church Troy

December 31, 2023 • Matt Meyer • 2 Corinthians 3:18

First, imitation serves as an example of God’s design in how he made the world. He is the master craftsman, and his world is built to run on a certain mix of fuel. Inputs drive outputs, and imitation links these together. In this sense, imitation is inescapable. It’s not if, but who? Second, the principle of imitation is intricately linked to how we live our lives and how we raise our kids. Finally, Scripture show us to how we can take this principle of God’s design and push it into the corners of our daily lives. The fact that we are starting a new year, adds the spice of considering how we can work our understanding of imitation into real change in our lives versus vain resolutions.