
8 - The Widow Pays a Debt

Elisha and the Widow's Oil

2 Kings 4:1–7

About the Video:

This story shows the faith of a widow woman in a desperate situation to pay off the family debt after the death of her husband, a faithful prophet. 

If the debt is not paid, the widow’s sons will be forced to leave home and work for a stranger. The widow seeks the help of Elisha, a well-known prophet of God. 

Elisha gives the woman strange instructions to collect as many empty jars as possible. The widow has just a tiny amount of olive oil in her home, but Elisha tells the woman to pour all she has into the jars that she had collected. 

Miraculously, God provided plenty of olive oil to fill every jar from the tiny amount of oil that the widow had in her home. She sells the olive oil, raises the money to pay off her debts, and her sons remain safe at home with her.

This story is told through the eyes of a shopkeeper who witnessed the faithfulness of the widow woman.

Questions to Consider:

Why did the widow woman beg Elisha for help?

What did the prophet Elisha reveal to the widow about God?

What did the widow woman do to show her faithfulness?

What are some choices that you could make that show that you are faithful?

Background to the Story:

The story of the widow and Elisha is the first of four miracle stories performed by Elisha in 2 Kings chapter 4. Each miracle shows how God provides for faithful people through Elisha. When a faithful person asks for Elisha’s help, God delivers a miracle. 

Elisha was taught by another great prophet, Elijah who also performed miracles with God’s help. Later, Jesus will perform miracles like those of Elijah and Elisha. But Jesus' miracles are much greater than those of Elijah and Elisha.

Reference - 2 Kings 4:1-7