
Faith Forward #112 - Jesus Stories Wk 2

Sower & 4 Soils

May 12, 2024 • Brian Bales, Jon Ackerman • Matthew 13:3–23

If the parable of the four soils can be applied to sanctification as well as salvation, how do we become good soil? How do we cultivate a heart that listens and understands and receives truth in a way that produces a harvest of 30x, 60x, or even 100x? Join Brian and Jon for a practical and honest conversation about both cultivating our own hearts and being better equipped to seed truth into the lives of others.

Faith Forward #113 - Jesus Stories Wk 3

May 19, 2024 • Brian Bales, Jon Ackerman • Matthew 18:21–35, Luke 7:36–48, Luke 17:3–4

Jesus taught about "forgiveness" on several occasions, and almost every time the teaching was accompanied by a story. As we've mentioned over several weeks, Jesus uses parables to help us understand that we don't understand as well as we think we do -- and this is especially true when it comes to forgiveness! Join Brian and Jon for the last episode of this season as they share their own stories and experiences of re-learning what it means to forgive from the heart.

Faith Forward #111 - Jesus Stories Wk 1

May 5, 2024 • Brian Bales, Jon Ackerman • Matthew 13:10–17

Why did Jesus tell so many stories? What was the point of using parables that often left His audience more confused than before? What does Jesus want us to learn from these stories about Himself, about us, and about the Kingdom of God? Join Brian and Jon for an encouraging, humbling, and helpful conversation on the parables of Jesus.

Faith Forward #110 - Power of a Name Wk 8

April 28, 2024 • Brian Bales, Jon Ackerman • Exodus 15:22–26

We finish this series on the names of God with one of the more hopeful and more confusing of His identities -- Healer. Jehovah Rapha can and will restore us from sickness, injury, mental and emotional calamity, and even death...and yet not always when or how we want Him to. How can we know God as Healer in a way that cultivates connection and hope rather than transaction and disappointment? Join Brian and Jon for an honest and encouraging conversation on experiencing the reality of God as Healer.