
Truth on Trial Again!

Acts 24 Study Guide

October 16, 2023 • Pastor Spencer Fusselman

The Truth on Trial in the Roman courts again! Just as Jesus stood in a Roman court mocked by the Jews, now Paul stands trial again, mocked by the religious elite of Israel. As the trial opens up we see quickly that the prosecution moves to false whiteness and flattery to appeal to the ego of Felix - the judge. They’ve hired a professional smooth-talking lawyer, but brought no real evidence other than ‘we just don’t like him’. They accuse him of leading a cult against their religion and religious law. However, in Paul's defense, not only does he speak for himself, but he brings evidence of the truth. First, he was only free in Jerusalem for a few days, not long enough to turn the whole Jewish world upside down. Further, his time spent in Asia would have surely brought some upset Jews from that region to bear witness against him, but not one could be found. And finally, he refutes the accusation of starting a cult, but openly confesses his love for the Jewish Law, that is his love of God's word, and bearing witness to the hope he has in Christ through the fulfillment of that scripture. 

Notable points here demonstrate to us that the lie is always upset by truth while the truth has nothing to hide. The lie always wants to be the loudest voice in the room. Yet the truth is always confidently humble. Further, the lie is often afraid of the truth, and when mankind operates in fear, it can get volatile. 

Confidence in the Spirit

Paul's confidence was his faith. In Acts 23 Jesus told him he must be a witness in Rome. He was sure at that point that this storm and shipwreck would not be his demise. He was confident that the God that set him on this mission would provide a way for him to complete it. Even if he didn’t know what the next step would be, or all the details, he trusted that God had a plan. And that plan would be ministering to the people of Malta in the midst of his own crisis. The story of Acts does not end here. The spirit still lives on and works through God’s people. Where do you see the spirit working in your life?

Who is in YOUR Boat?

Pastor Spencer Fusselman • Jonah 1, Mark 4:30–41, Acts 27

Acts 27 Jonah 1 and Mark 4 all have stories in which a storm threatens a boat.. yet each had access to the Lord!  Who is the captain of your ship?  Download the study guide this week and drive deep into scripture with your family or small group today! 

Almost Dangerous

October 31, 2023 • Pastor Spencer Fusselman

Paul's belief in the fact that God can, has, and WILL raise the dead, is the source of his boldness. In our lives when we are called to be as bold we ‘Almost’ get there. We narrowly miss the mark because too often we forget that God can raise the dead! Instead, we say “People don't change” and go on living in our own ‘Christian’ bubble separate from the world where we are safe, but we make no real impact. Paul's life was anything but safe, and as a result, he left a HUGE impact on the kingdom.