
Divine Conversations -- Part 5

October 16, 2019 • Dr. Mark Lantz

Last week, we began a discussion on viewing prayer as a dialogue, not just a monologue. The key to an intimate relationship with God is your ability to hear His voice. It is absoultely essential for us to hear God's voice, and we must be aware of all the different ways in which He chooses to speak to us.

Many times, God will use other people to speak to us. But just as God wishes to use others to speak to us, the enemy will also use others to speak into our lives. How do you tell the difference between someone speaking under the unction of the Holy Spirit and someone speaking from their own flesh, emotions, or possibly the influence of another spirit? Join Dr. Mark Lantz as he examines the Biblical ways in which God uses other people to speak to you, and the Biblicla principles you can use to determine the true voice of God.