
She Turned to God for Help...

Jovita Bishagize

This is the testimony of Jovita Bishagize, who, after 36 years of deafness, was completely healed during a Christ for all Nations crusade! After hospitals and even witch-doctors had failed her, she turned to God for help …

What a blessing to be a part of God’s merciful and loving plan, where millions are saved, delivered and dramatically healed! I wish we could report on every healing that takes place during one of our evangelistic outreaches. Sometimes they number in the hundreds and each testimony, like Jovita’s, is because of the steadfast support of MONTHLY MINISTRY PARTNERS. Not only do our Monthly Ministry Partners give each month, but they commit to pray for the ministry and for the harvest fields that we are sent to reap. Your prayers and monthly gifts help make these outreaches possible. While we can’t share every story with you, the good news is that one day we will all have an opportunity to hear the stories of God’s love and power and to meet those precious souls that we had a hand in reaching.

I hope Jovita’s testimony brings some hope and encouragement into your life today. There is a lot of discouraging news and talk everywhere now, but it remains vital for us to see and know that our God is at work: saving, delivering, and healing people! There are too many stories, like Jovita’s, that have yet to happen and be told, but we are committed to praying and going and preaching to make sure that they do happen in Jesus’ name!

If you are already a Monthly Ministry Partner 'Thank You' so much for standing with us with your prayers and financial support, you are playing a Key-Role in this end-time harvest of souls.

We could not do what we do without both the prayers and the gifts. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a Monthly Ministry Partner with us? Click the link above.

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